ICEE2017, Kobe



    Programme schedule (Programme Schedule_ICEE2017.pdf)

    Book of abstracts (Book_Abstracts_ICEE2017.pdf)

Opening lecture (Monday 13 November 2017)

Dr. Taketoshi Morimoto (Emeritus Professor, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)

    Historical Review of Environmental Physiology in Japan

Clothing assessment and development

Dr George Havenith (Environmental Ergonomics Research Centre, Loughborough University, UK)

     Introduction and statement to the problem

Dr Faming Wang (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China)

     Critical assessment of different manikin control options

Dr Damien Fournet (Decathlon, France)

     Using Infra-red analysis for sports clothing development

Ms Margherita Raccuglia (Environmental Ergonomics Research Centre, Loughborough University, UK)

     Wetness sensation during rest and exercise and the interaction with textiles; how can

     you feel it?

Thermoregulation in Asians

Dr Jason Lee (DSO National Laboratories, Singapore)

     Introduction and statement to the problem

Dr Joo-Young Lee (Seoul National University, South Korea)

     Cold adaptation, aging, and Korean women divers (haenyeos)

Dr Hitoshi Wakabayashi (Hokkaido University, Japan)

     Multiple organs coordination for cold induced thermogenesis in Japanese males

Dr Titis Wijayanto (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)

     Physiological and subjective responses during exercise in hot-dry and warm-humid

     environment in Indonesian males

Dr Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed (Universiti Sains Malaysia)

     Eccrine sweat gland function of tropical natives during exercise in hot-huimd and

     hot-dry conditions

Early Career Researcher Symposium: Adaptation

Dr Tatsuro Amano (Niigata University Japan)

     Characteristics of sweating response in habitually trained individuals and its potential


Dr Martin Barwood (Leeds Trinity University, UK)

     Habituation of the cold shock response: novel drivers of the habituation process in an

     integrated model of cold shock

Dr Steve Faulkner (Nottingham Trent University, UK)

     Thermal Therapy in the management and treatment of chronic disease

Early Career Researcher Symposium: Heat loss Responses

Dr Nicola Gerrett (Kobe University, Japan)

     Sweat: From the gland to the skin surface

Dr Naoto Fujii (University of Tsukuba, Japan)

     The mechanisms underlying cutaneous vasodilation during exercise in the heat

Dr Rebekah Lucas (University of Birmingham, UK)

     Interventions to reduce heat strain among sugarcane workers

Dr Sean Notley (University of Ottawa, Canada)

     Heat strain over consecutive work shifts

Aging Symposium: Aging in a Hotter World

Dr Larry Kenney (Penn State University, USA)

     Introduction and statement to the problem

Dr Lacy Alaxendar (Penn State University, USA)

     Aging and cutaneous vasodilation

Dr Craig Crandall (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre, USA)

     Aging and integrated cardiovascular function to heat stress

Dr Yoshi Inoue (Osaka International University, Japan)

     Aging, sweating and sweat gland function

Dr Glen Kenny (Ottawa University, Canada)

     Environmental factors Impacting responses of older individuals to heat

Getting your research published: Q&A

Dr Mike Tipton (Portsmouth University, UK)

As the new Editor-in Chief of Experimental Physiology, Prof Mike Tipton will introduction the journal, its future direction and provide informative advice for all researchers on ‘Getting your research published’. After a short introduction, the session will be open for Q&A.

Seminar: Collaborative research in Japan

Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS): Staff members from JSPS will provide an informative seminar outlining the role of JSPS and its wide variety of funding opportunities. Funding opportunities are available for all researchers at various stages of their research career.

Speakers The scientific program in previous years has included the following topics:

  1. -Temperature regulation

  2. -Hypoxic environments

  3. -Microgravity

  4. -Water immersion

  5. -Occupational heat stress

  6. -Human health, aging and adaptation to a changing environment

  7. -Personal protective clothing

  8. -Thermal Manikins

  9. -Thermal modelling

  10. -Thermal perception and behavioral regulation

  11. -Thermal testing standards

  12. -Physiology and performance

  13. -Environmental ergonomics

  14. -Fluid and hydration

  15. -Cooling systems